About Us

About our Society

Group Analytic Society Belgrade (GAS Belgrade) is an expert organization of group analysts which deals with study, training, understanding, development, promotion and advancement of theory, practice, education and research about the group analysis, as well as expansion of ideas of group analysis to other related sciences.

Furthermore, the Society deals with preservation of high professional and ethical standards in group analysis and its interconnectivity with other psychotherapeutic and professional associations and institutions, both nationally and internationally.

Goals and Activities

Our society gathers group analysts, i.e. group-analytic psychotherapists dedicated to the development and improvement of group analysis theory and practice, as well as providing education in the field of group analysis to interested professionals, within the criteria of relevant international organizations, and according to the plan established by the Training Committee, i.e. the expert board of the Society.

Along with the expert criteria necessary for performing group analysis, through various activities the Society contributes to expert training and shaping the identity of both group analysis and group analysts in our environment, as well as creating conditions for development and practice
of group analysis in Serbia and abroad.

One of the important goals of our Society, which we would like to point out in this moment of various social changes and crises in our society and within a broader perspective, is the research and improvement of group-analyst understanding of inner workings of large and small groups,
teams and organizations, in order to apply the knowledge from this field in other fields relevant to society development and functioning.


The Society was established in 1995 by a group of analysts who were educated in this field by the Institute of Group Analysis, London. This education was led by Dr George Renton and Anne Morgan in the period from 1987 until 1993 and it entailed Introductory and Clinical course.

The Society provides education in group analysis according to the EGATIN standards (European Group Analytic Training Institutions Network), and the Society is a full member of the network. Also, GAS Belgrade is a member of the SDPTS (The Serbian Union of Associations For Psychotherapy). Moreover, within the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), GAS Belgrade has a status of an institute (EAPTI – European Accreditation Professional Training Institute). GAS Belgrade is fully-fledged member of the EFPP (European Federation of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapists), and it’s Group Analysis Section.

GAS Belgrade has organized several international events important for group analysis and psychoanalytical psychotherapy in general. First Group Analytic Society International Summer School of Group Analysis was organized in Belgrade in 2013. In 2014 GAS Belgrade hosted the EGATIN Study Days. In the organization of GAS Belgrade, in 2018, the EFPP Conference of several psychoanalytic therapy modalities was held, with over three hundred participants from all over the world.